After a particular age and time one strives to reach the higher planes of the nuances in a specialty. And the All India Rhinology Society has been in the age and time for a fairly long time to strive and achieve higher planes.
Change is the only constant thing. Teaching and learning are a dynamic process, the principles and practice of which change each day. As a professional in the field of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery and further narrowing it down to Rhinology and its allied branches, it is essential to keep abreast with the latest developments in the field.
One feels the need to be exposed to the peers in the specialty. This would be possible when the information and knowledge we all have is exchanged, one’s doubts cleared and principles strengthened. One wants to share experiences with others, who may add their comments to the contributions to make them more authentic.
Many of us forget just how much technological advancement there has been in the past 15 years or so. Back then, most of us were barely aware of the existence of email or the internet, and the need or of having a website devoted to Rhinology was only for casual conversation rather than serious discussion. Most of us in fact, were content with utilising the post, telephone and fax in our day to day professional life, and anything as efficient and as useful as a website was purely a fantasy - nice if it existed, but it probably never would.
Of course, as they say, the rest is history, as the fantasy did indeed become a reality in an incredibly short period of time.. The technology now exists for us to promote ourselves to a worldwide audience. There has never been a better time to take advantage of this 'new frontier'.
And so to achieve this, where did one start?
Dr Ajay Jain, our young and enthusiastic member took it upon himself to change the history and convert the fantasy of a website for AIRS to a reality. And as you can see, he has done a great job with the construction and launch of this website.
A website draws together the varied needs of a specialty and centralizes it in one location. A website can be seen in the first instance as the place where the myriad strands of a specialty take visual shape and form, guiding and informing the members of the vast of information available between our pool. A website is in many ways a clarification and distillation of the knowledge and information, and is very useful for that reason alone. However, of course that is just the beginning of the journey, as a website can do so much more than this.
We intend to enlarge our network of members, to establish our presence in the field, heighten the academic interest, make information available to a large group, allow feed backs and critical appraisals, to make available interesting clinical materials and photographs and to update our membership information and to above all, establish a presence in the world in a true a professional manner.
The future holds great promise for continued technical innovation, acquisition of new knowledge, and advances in the science of rhinology....But that would be possible with only your support and contributions and active participation.
Dr Achal Gulati,
Hony. Secretary, AIRS
Professor of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi