Showing posts with label Governing body meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governing body meeting. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Executives body meeting

Dear Friends,

Next Governing body meeting of executive members of All India Rhinology Society  will be held on 23rd April 2017 during Lunch at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh. 

Topic of discussion would be 

Please make it convenient to attend


 Dr. Atul Jain

Thursday, 7 July 2016


Notice is given for convening the Annual General Body Meeting of the

All India Rhinology Society during the Annual Conference of the Society at Hyderabad

Venue: Hyderabad

Date: Saturday, 13th August, 2016

Time: 5 PM


  1. To adopt the minutes of the last GBM held at Bareilly
  2. Condolence resolutions, if any
  3. Report of the Hony. Secretary.
  4. Report of the Hony. Treasurer.
  5. Admissions of the new members.
  6. To consider proposals received during the Year:

a)      Confirmation of the proposed Venue  for the forthcoming conferences for the year 2017 as Amritsar

b)      To consider proposals for forthcoming conferences for the year 2018

c)      To consider and approve the changed amendments of the constitutions, if any

  1. Election of new Office Bearers ,if required
  2. Installation of new Office Bearers.
  3. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

Signed and Dated: 7th August, 2016

Hony. Secretary:
Dr Atul Jain, Delhi
Phone: 9811120545

Election notice is given for calling nominations from members of the AIRS for the following posts of the Governing Body for the year 2016-17. Elections will be held as per the election guidelines of AIRS Constitution.
Post: President Elect: One Post (Minimum five years of membership or tenure as governing body member)
Post: Vice President: One Post (Minimum three years of membership or tenure as governing body member)
Post: Executive members: TEN Posts. (One complete year of membership of the society)
The nominations may be sent in the given format by courier/ post/ email to:
Dr. Atul Jain
Hony. Secretary
All India Rhinology Society
Address: 153, Rishabh Vihar, Delhi-110092.
Phone: 9811120545

Last Date for receiving Nominations: 05thAugust, 2016
Last date for withdrawal of Nomination Forms: 10th August, 2016
Date of Elections (If required): 13th August, 2016 at RHINOCON, HYDERABAD

Please tear and detach and send by Registered Post / Couriers/scanned and
 E-mailed with a covering letter
Name of Member: _____________________________________________________
AIRS Membership Number: ____________________________________________
Post applied for: ______________________________________________________
Proposed by: _____________________             Seconded by: __________________
Membership number______________              Membership number___________
Address: _________________________            Address: ______________________
________________________________              ______________________________
________________________________              ______________________________
Phone number____________________             Phone number: ________________
Email: __________________________              Email: _______________________
Signature________________________              Signature_____________________

Signature of member with Name and date

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Notice is given for convening the Annual General Body Meeting of the

All India Rhinology Society during the Annual Conference of the Society at Shimla.

Venue: IGMC,Shimla

Date: Saturday, 31st May, 2014

Time: 5.00 PM


  1. To adopt the minutes of the last GBM held at Delhi
  2. Condolence resolutions, if any
  3. Report of the Hony. Secretary.
  4. Report of the Hony. Treasurer.
  5. Admissions of the new members.
  6. To consider proposals received during the Year:

a)      Confirmation of the proposed Venue (Bareily) for the forthcoming conferences for the year 2015

b)      To consider proposals for forthcoming conferences for the year 2015

c)      To consider and approve the changed amendments of the constitutions, if any

  1. Election of new Office Bearers ,if required
  2. Installation of new Office Bearers.
  3. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

Signed. And Dated: 16th April, 2014

Dr Sanjay Sood

Hony. Secretary,

All IndiaRhinology Society

Sunday, 18 August 2013



Notice is given for convening the Annual General Body Meeting of the

All India Rhinology Society during the Annual Conference of the Society at Vadodara.

Venue: Vadodara

Date: Saturday, 28th September, 2013

Time: 5.00 PM


  1. To adopt the minutes of the last GBM held at Delhi
  2. Condolence resolutions, if any
  3. Report of the Hony. Secretary.
  4. Report of the Hony. Treasurer.
  5. Admissions of the new members.
  6. To consider proposals received during the Year:

a)      Confirmation of the proposed Venue (Shimla) for the forthcoming conferences for the year 2014

b)      To consider proposals for forthcoming conferences for the year 2015

c)      To consider and approve the changed amendments of the constitutions, if any

  1. Election of new Office Bearers ,if required
  2. Installation of new Office Bearers.
  3. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

Signed. And Dated: 16th August, 2013

Dr Sanjay Sood

Hony. Secretary,

All India Rhinology Society




Friday, 2 August 2013

Minutes of Governing body meeting held on 01-04-2012 at MAMC Guest House , Delhi

The meeting was attended by the following members :

1.      Dr J.C.Passey
2.      Dr Arvind Soni
3.      Dr Ashok Gupta
4.      Dr Achal Gulati
5.      Dr Sandeep Bansal
6.      Dr Rajesh Kalra
7.      Dr Sanjay Sood
8.      Dr Ajay Jain
In the absence of the President Dr Nishit Shah the meeting was called to order and presided by the President Elect Dr J C Passey. The following matters were discussed:
1.      The governing body passed a condolence resolution on the untimely death of the founder member, past president and Patron of AIRS Dr V.P.Sood. The governing body remembered his immense contribution in the development of the field of rhinology in India and decided that the silver jubilee conference in Delhi be dedicated in his memory.
2.      The update on organization of Silver Jubilee Conference Rhinocon at Delhi was discussed. As Dr Devinder Rai was not able to attend the meeting due to being preoccupied. The honorary secretary Dr Sanjay Sood informed that as per the telephonic conversation with Dr. Rai the venue and dates have yet to be decided and he will be finalizing it shortly. It was discussed that it is almost a year since the last conference was held in Gangtok and also that in the last governing body meeting held at Chandigarh on 04-09-2011, Dr Devinder Rai was requested to finalize the date and venue within a month but still no progress has been made. It was decided unanimously that Dr Rai should be requested to finalize the date and venue by 10-04-2012 and communicate it to the office. It was suggested and passed that Dr. Achal Gulati and Dr Arvind Soni to coordinate about the organization of Rhinocon.
3.      It was discussed and passed unanimously that the future conferences should be allotted to a small committee (minimum three members) from the city /State Rhinology branch which is bidding for it. It was further decided that the bid form to be circulated along with the GBM noticed and should be duly signed by three members.
4.      It is since last 5 years  that Clinical Rhinology is being published without any financial burden on AIRS but now the finances are required for it being indexed in PubMed and also for the circulation to the increased membership. It was suggested that that a Rupee one lakh be transferred for the journal.
5.      It was passed that membership be increased to Rs 3500/- as was passed in GBM and some amount to be transferred for the journal.
6.      It was discussed that if possible a Midcon should be organized and Dr Ashok Gupta was requested to see its viability.
7.      IRS dues to be paid at earliest.
8.      The same auditor to appointed for the audit of accounts.
9.      AIRS will honor past Presidents/secretaries/treasurer during  the silver jubilee Rhinocon.
10.   Vote of thanks was moved.

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